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Library Trustees’ Meeting                                               October 10, 2006

Present: Kelly Collins, Chris Sterling, Robert Zak, John Rodenhiser, and Roland Ochsenbein.

The minutes for the September 11th meeting were approved.

Director’s Report:
Kelly is putting advance warning notes in overdue bills advising patrons that as of the first of the year, there will be a $3 charge for each bill that goes out.
Phil went to Shades of Autumn at Tower Hill. He is considering not participating next year.
The library will close at 5 p.m. on the day before Thanksgiving. The Friday after is a town holiday.

The town has moved up budget dates.
Draft budgets are due November 13th.
Kelly presented a rough draft, however we may be under construction, which will effect the budget.

FY08 Goals:
Bob presented a draft of goals.

Open Trustee Position:
Bob received one letter of interest, and one e-mail expressing interest in the vacancy on the Board of Trustees. The trustees voted to approve Roland Ochsenbein’s appointment to the board.

Kelly will look into how the library can remain certified while under construction.
At the October 4 BoS meeting, it was suggested that the pledges be bonded. The trustees have no objection to the town purchasing a bond on the pledges providing that this money does not come out any money voted for the construction project. However, in light of the history of other libraries, the trustees see no need to bond the pledges.
The capital campaign is on target.
Candidates for the Construction Committee will be sent copies of questions, and of the draft charter. It was suggested that interviews take place on two Saturdays.

The next three Trustees’ meetings were scheduled to take place at 6:30pm on Monday, Nov. 6th, Monday, Dec. 4th, and Monday, Jan. 8th.

Respectfully submitted the Trustees,
Chris Sterling
Robert Zak